Friday, January 28, 2011

The Morning After and more Metric System

I woke up this morning with soreness all over my body, flu like soreness. Oh please oh please, I can handle Hershey squirts but please not the flu. The soreness is not from being sick or getting ready to get sick.  It’s from thinking I’m doing bicep curls with 10 lb free weights when it’s really 22 lb free weights or 44 lbs on the ab machine instead of 20.  Everything in my body is sore right now.  Every single muscle I overused is sore.
Let’s go back to the bar that I never left, the night before.  Copa turned into an all night Kareoke party.  I got to the bar Thursday night 8-9ish.  My work day needed to start on Friday at 9pm.  So here are my options:
1.        Go to bed like a normal person at about midnight, sleep til about 8 or 9 am.  But if I do that I’ll have to go to work at 9pm that night and work thru the night, meaning I’ll be up for 24 hours straight. 
2.        Don’t go to bed until Friday 5-6 am, sleep til about 4-5 pm and then get up and prepare for a 9pm start of the work day.
I opted for #2.  I made friends with Navy boys and drank white wine and water.  More water than wine.  I knew I had to stay up but I knew I needed not to be sloshed.  One of the navy boys, Jesse, had his own sheet music and borrowed the band’s guitar and sang an awesome rendition of Pink Floyds Comfortably Numb.  Standing ovation, even by the drunk Koreans.  The drunk Korean sang a forgettable rendition of Elvis Presley’s Cant Help Falling in Love with You, that started off like this “Wife men stays only pools roll in. 
At about 4am I decide to throw in the towel and go to my room.  I struggled to stay up and watch very dramatic Philippine television.  I can do it, I can do it, just stay up until 5.  I fall asleep and wake up at 6:45 at which time I decide the best thing to do is eat breakfast.  If I fall asleep now I will have gone almost 24 hours without eating.  Nothing looks appetizing, especially not the fisheye egg omelet.  There’s some kind of orange brownish sauce that’s covering some kind of mystery meat.  That’s when I feel the rumble in the jungle.  Am I making myself sick or am I really sick.  I sit down with a simple plate of romaine lettuce tomatoes and 3 pieces of sushi.  After about 10 seconds I have to put my plate down and dash to the bathroom.  I can kind of feeling it coming up.  I run into the bathroom and there’s one stall available and by the smell of it, has probably been recently used by a fellow American with loose stools.  I react as if someone just put an ammonia stick under my nose and search for another stall that doesn’t smell like a shit bomb just exploded in it.  Nothing.  I force myself to go back into the stall and in retrospect that was probably the best because there was none of that hesitant gagging dry heaving before the main show.  One quick sniff and Release The Hounds!!!! Projectile vomiting is a good thing when you want what’s in your belly to come out NOW!

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